Craniosacral therapy is a gentle form of bodywork which developed as an outgrowth of traditional osteopathy as developed by Dr. William Sutherland. It works on bone, muscle and connective tissue at the most basic level. At more complex levels, it works at the energetic “chi”, neurological and emotional levels to ease restrictions, release trauma and increase freedom and flow within the being, physically, emotionally and at the subtle energy level. It can be remarkably effective in helping to free physical and emotional restrictive patterns and in helping to uncover, clear and heal emotional trauma which is held in the tissues. It is a very gentle, subtle art of listening with the hands, and intuition by the practitioner to perceive restrictions and to facilitate healing, greater freedom, and flow within the tissues and the entire being for the client.


When you come for your first session, we will sit together and speak about the specific concerns which lead you to come for treatment, both physical and emotional. Next you will make yourself comfortable on a massage table, fully clothed, and be covered with a comfortable sheet and blanket if you wish. I will gently place my hands first at your feet and “listen” for your craniosacral rhythm. Slowly, I move to different parts of your body and tune into those areas where the vital energy is flowing smoothly, and areas where it is turbulent or weak, ending my assessment at your head. It is a very relaxing process and many people tune into their breath and relax with the gentle support of listening hands.

After my initial assessment, I will put my hands on areas of your body which need help to release restrictions, muscular holding and to allow better flow of vital energy (chi). The pressure varies from client to client, depending on what the tissues are inviting. It is generally a light touch but can go deeply if the tissues are inviting deep pressure. I am always listening with my hands to what your body is telling me, supporting its own movements as it attempts to release strain, injury or tension, to unwind and come to balance, to produce greater ease and vitality.

In some cases, clients speak as they are receiving treatment, telling me what they are noticing, and this can facilitate release as they speak of what caused the injury. In some cases, clients are simply quiet as they go more and more deeply into a state of relaxation and release. In some cases, people fall asleep for the entire session as their nervous system goes into a deep state of relaxation and repair.
Please wear loose, light and comfortable clothing for your session so that your body can move as it wishes, and I can feel your body’s responses.

Most people feel a general sense of relaxation (in fact, some fall asleep during the treatment). This is popularly associated with an increase of endorphins.
Experiences during a craniosacral therapy session are as individual as the clients and practitioners themselves. Experiences can even vary from session to session. At times a client may fall asleep, may recall memories or may see colors. Others will experience sensations within the body such as tingling, hot/cold, pins and needles, pulsations, a stretching of tissues in particular parts of the body, increased fluid flow or increased energy flow.

INITIAL CONSULTATION: $200 (60-90 minutes)
FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENTS: $165 (50-60 minutes)
Pricing applies to both adults and children.
HEALTH INSURANCE & FSA: Iris Hagen Ratowsky does not accept insurance. In California, most insurance companies do not cover homeopathic treatment. However, you may get reimbursed from a Flexible Savings Account. If a patient’s health insurance provider reimburses money for homeopathic treatment by Iris Hagen Ratowsky or a patient needs to submit a receipt for FSA claims, then Iris will be glad to issue expense receipts with proper diagnosis codes to the patient. The patient is responsible for contacting their insurance provider for verifying their coverage and following up with the provider for claims processing.
WAYS TO PAY: Payment can be made by cash or check at the time of your in-person appointment. If you have a virtual appointment, payment can be made via Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, or mailed check prior to your appointment.
- Venmo:
- Please call (510) 508-6205 for the mailing address should you wish to mail a check. Checks must be received at least one week prior to your appointment.